Sunday, February 8, 2009

Another MATURE sock monkey

I just finished the second in my new line of mature sock monkeys and I have to tell you, I laugh the whole time I am sewing these guys. I have actually received a few "hate mail" type letters telling me how derranged and disturbed I am and that I ought to be ashamed of myself. My response....meh..I already know that but thanks for noticing me...LOL. It is all in good fun and not meant to offend anyone.

This little beauty's name is Shane. She is a prominent member of the lesbian community but tends to be a bit of a slut! She is a fantastic hairdresser but fails horribly in the relationship category of life. In Shane's world it is all about sex....whenever and however she can get it.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

the next Generation of sock monkey....

I unveiled my new sock monkey a couple of days ago and although she hasn't sold yet, she has generated a lot of stir on ETSY. She is the first of my new collection of anatomically correct sock monkeys...that's right...naughty bits and all. Destiny received over 600 views in her first 48 hours on ETSY....that is insane!!!!